Granite: The granite (coarse aggregate) used for the study was of range 2mm to 19mm graded, it was source from a quarry on Iyuku Auchi suburb community Nigeria, Edo
Nigeria, the quarry dust and the coarse aggregate were obtained from Abakaliki in Ebonyi state Nigeria, the cement used was Dangote cement bought from the ce ment shop and the water used was obtained from pipe borne water from the Federal Polytechnic Nekede Owerri Imo state. All the fine aggregates were washed thoroughly to remove unwanted
Partially Coarse Aggregate with Broken Ceramic Tiles in Con-crete Production” while the objectives are to determine physi-cal properties of aggregates to be used, determine workability of fresh concrete via slump test and compacting factor test and . C ———————————————— • Yiosese A.O., Researcher, Nigerian
CURRENT PRICES OF SAND IN NIGERIA (2022) There are different types of sand used in various parts of a building project. We have highlighted them below and their recent prices. 20 tons of Sharp coarse sand (1 tipper) costs between N42,000 to N45,000; 1 tipper of 20 tons of Sharp coarse sand that is not very silty costs between N30,000 to N33, 000
area of Anambra state, Nigeria. Crushed granite and river gravel as coarse aggregates were obtained from a local vendor in Makurdi, Nigeria. The fine aggregate is river sand obtained from the river Benue in Makurdi, Nigeria. Analysis was conducted to establish particle size distribution, bulk density, and specific gravity, aggregate
Key words: Coarse aggregate, compressive strength, concrete, gravel aggregate, Nigeria Cite this Article: David O. NDUKA, Olabosipo I. FABGENLE, Opeyemi JOSHUA, Ayodeji O. OGUNDE, Ignatius O. Omuh, Comparative Analysis of Concrete Strength Utilizing Quarry-Crushed and Locally Sourced Coarse Aggregates, International
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria. 3. … coarse aggregates only (control) at water – cement ratios of , , and Cubes …. Table 3: Particle Size Distribution for coarse aggregate (washed gravel ) … »More detailed
Coarse aggregate used in this research is crushed gravel, with a nominal size of 12.7mm. The specific gravity of the gravel was determined to be 2.56, and the bulk density was determined to be 1449kg/m3 and having a percentage of voids of 7.8%. The coarse aggregate (gravel) particles were passed through a series of standard sieve sizes starting
of the coarse aggregate (Reed, Schoo nees and Salmond, 2008). C ompress ive strengt h of buildi ng ston es in pr actice accord ing to Duggal, (2008) ranges between 60 to 200N/mm 2 .
Similarly, the Cu and Cc for coarse aggregates are 10.94 and 0.5 respectively for unwashed while for the washed coarse aggregate, the Cu and Cc are 5.21 and 0.58 from Figure 2. This shows that the washed gravel is poorly graded. It can be concluded that the fine and coarse aggregates are not suitable for making good concrete. Workability
Aggregates are generally divided into two groups: Fine and Coarse. Fine aggregate consists of natural or manufactured sand with particles sizes up to 5mm. It consists of inert natural sand conforming to [1]. It does not contain more than a total of 5% by weight of the followings: shale, silt and structurally weak particles [2].
cost when periwinkle shells are used holistically (100%) as coarse aggregate and 6.8% savings in cost when 30% are used to replace granite as coarse aggregate.! Keywords — periwinkle shells, mechanical properties, concrete, compressive strength, fine aggregate, coarse aggregates. I. INTRODUCTION
Nigeria, the quarry dust and the coarse aggregate were obtained from Abakaliki in Ebonyi state Nigeria, the cement used was Dangote cement bought from the ce ment shop and the water used was obtained from pipe borne water from the Federal Polytechnic Nekede Owerri Imo state. All the fine aggregates were washed thoroughly to remove unwanted
Properties of Coarse Aggregates Produced in Ogun State, Nigeria. 1Omopariola S.S., 2Dr Jimoh A.A. Abstract— Coarse aggregate has been said to have strong influence on the properties, mix proportion and economy of fresh and hardened concrete. Personal on-site
selected quarries in Ondo State, Nigeria. In this study, two granite quarries out of the quarrying companies in Ondo State are used as case studies. In order to achieve the aim of Coarse aggregate: Aggregates predominately retained on the No. 4 (4.75 mm) sieve. For mass concrete, the maximum size can be as large as 150 mm.
Solutions. ( Granite crushing plant in Nigeria) The quarry processes the rock into granite crushed stone (gravel) aggregate, including coarse aggregate, fine aggregate and sand. The size of stone output ranges from ¾ inch to less than ½ inch, all of which are standard sizes in the construction industry.
Gravel, cobble and boulders come under this category. The maximum size aggregate used may be dependent upon some conditions. In general, 40mm size aggregate used for normal strengths and 20mm size is used for high strength concrete. The size range of various coarse aggregates given below: Fine gravel: 4mm – 8mm. Medium gravel: 8mm – 16mm
quarry site in Akamkpa Local Government Area of Cross Rivers State, Nigeria. Quarry dust is a fine rock particle, grey in colour. C. Coarse Aggregate Gravel was used as course aggregate for this experimental work.
In this study, CEM I 42.5R and CEM IV/B (P) 32.5 N cements are used as binders and three different aggregate particle sizes as 2-3mm and 3-4 mm fine aggregates and 7-8 mm coarse aggregates are
focused on the prospect of recycled coarse aggregate for concrete production. The coarse aggregate component of normal concrete was replaced with 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% Recycled Coarse Aggregate (RCA) in a 1:2:4 cement, sand and aggregate mix proportion and 0.5 water/cement ratio.
The Aggregates which will get retained on the 4.75 mm (No. 4) sieve and will pass through a 3-inch sieve are known as Coarse aggregate. The aggregates used in the production of concrete are inert granular materials such as gravel, crushed stone, sand, slag, and recycled concrete. The aggregates might be natural, manufactured, or recycled.
Coarse Aggregate The coarse aggregate are crushed rock obtained from three different rock quarries with aggregate sizes ranging from 25.4mm to 9.52mm. They are labelled as Samples K, L and M respectively. Methods and Results Sieve Analysis The sieve analysis was done in accordance with BS 812-1 [3].
1.Size of Coarse Aggregates: The size of the coarse aggregate depends on the use of the concrete is to be poured. For large-scale concreting operations without complex reinforcement, large aggregates of size 80 mm, 40 mm, 20 mm are used. For the simple construction of residential or other buildings, 20 mm is the maximum size will be used.
Ikorodu, Lagos State were used as fine aggregates. Washed gravel was used as coarse aggregates. The ratio of fine to coarse aggregate adopted was 45:55 (ACI, 1992; Krell & Wischers, 1988). The Lafarge Elephant Portland Cement grade (42.5R) was used as binders for this study while portable water was used for the mixing.
Made from Locally Sourced Gravel Aggregate from South-South Nigeria Gideon Olukunle Bamigboye 1*, Anthony Nkem Ede 1, Uwanabasi Edet Umana 1, The coarse aggregates used for this research were divided into two: washed and unwashed gravel. The maximum aggregate sizes were 10 mm and 20 mm. Dangote brand of Ordinary
focused on the prospect of recycled coarse aggregate for concrete production. The coarse aggregate component of normal concrete was replaced with 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% Recycled Coarse Aggregate (RCA) in a 1:2:4 cement, sand and aggregate mix proportion and 0.5 water/cement ratio.
Gravel + Coarse Aggregates Coarse aggregates contain individual particles greater than 4.75 mm (more than a fifth of an inch) in any given dimension. They most popularly come in the form of gravel, which is composed of crushed rock or waterworn stone — although recycled concrete is also used in many commercial applications.
segregation (variation) of coarse aggregates used in bituminous mixes; problems are associated with variation in the quality of aggregates taken from a quarry/gravel pit. The primary objective of this project was to examine the effects of poor quality coarse limestone aggregate on hotmix asphalt performance and to
3.1.3 Coarse Aggregate The types of coarse aggregate used in the study are granite, basalt and gneiss of different aggregate sizes (20mm-14mm, 10mm- 5mm). The aggregate are crushed rock complying with BS EN 12620[20]. The Physical properties of the aggregates are given in table 1.0 and Figure 1-3 depict the sample of the three aggregate type used.
of the coarse aggregate (Reed, Schoo nees and Salmond, 2008). C ompress ive strengt h of buildi ng ston es in pr actice accord ing to Duggal, (2008) ranges between 60 to 200N/mm 2 .