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In South Africa, one part of the platinum mines is the natural platinum-iron alloy and the other part is the sulfide with iron, nickel, and copper ores. The proven recoverable reserves platinum group of metals is about 18,000 tons and the total reserve is 62,200 tons.
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high efficiency flotation machine south africa. flotation production line in south africa xinhai global flotation machine for south africa whitehillstree 2018 Jul 22 flotation machine for south africa html Xstrata TechnologySouth Africa ABSTRACT Flotation is commonly used to treat fine coal typically below 500 microns in size and is a complexthree phase
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The mining process of copper ore is very simple, which mainly include grinding and flotation.It is important for choosing flotation equipment on the copper mining plant. As a professional manufacturer of flotation machine, SBM can tailor for you the copper production line. With the development of economy, the copper beneficiation process is
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